Celebrate Christmas and enjoy our special Christmas Lunch we’ve created for you! Visit Setúbal, a city known for its stunning Serra da Arrábida mountain range, historic buildings and the famous Livramento Market. Christmas is a time for socialising and celebrating, the ideal opportunity to enjoy Meliá Setúbal and everything our hotel has to offer. Book now!
MELIÁREWARDS is Meliá Hotels International’s loyalty program in which the price is just the first of the many advantages and exclusive offers you can enjoy.
The MELIÁREWARDS program allows you to accumulate points that you can exchange for hotel stays or enjoy our spa services or restaurants. Sign up now and receive 2,000 points.
The program has 4 basic levels: White, Silver, Gold and Platinum. As you go up a level, you can enjoy more services and exclusive advantages. With MELIÁREWARDS, belonging is more.